Wind-Driven Rain / Sand Louvers
Wind-Driven Rain Louvers should be used in areas which are prone to moderate to extreme rain storms as added protection against water intrusion.
Wind-Driven Sand Louvers provide added protection against sand intrusion.
5" Deep "Sight-Proof" Wind-Driven Rain louver

Product Overview
Model XSD-130 is a 5" Deep Wind-Driven Rain Sight-Proof Louver designed to protect intake and exhaust openings in buildings while reducing the amount of wind driven rain penetration.
- 5" Deep Alum. Wind Driven Rain
- Design Wind Load: 30 PSF
- 46% Free Area
- 50 MPH Wind Driven Rain Class/FPM: B/674
- Pressure Drop: 0.08" w.g.
- Max. single section: 72" x 120"