FAQ Topics


Where do I find United Enertech product warranty?

United Enertech Terms and Conditions of Sale and Product Warranty is highlighted in GREEN on each product model's web page as well as in the footer of every page.

Where can I find United Enertech standard Lead Time and or Express Schedule?

Our lead time schedule has a link at the top of the Pricing Program. Our lead time are updated once a week.

Where can I find a local Rep for United Enertech products?

In the main menu at the top of every web page is a tab labeled “Sales Reps”.  This link will get you to the search function for your local rep. There are two different ways to search: “Reps Near Me (Zip Code)” or “Reps by State.

Can United Enertech perform Acceptance Testing for special projects?

Yes, United Enertech has a test lab that can perform pressure drop and leakage testing for any project, at additional cost.

Where are the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals?

The Operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals are located under each product home page.

OM Document Tab